Northern Glories'
Snobound's Kumba The
Kumbie is a red & white AKC purebred Alaskan Malamute. He has an excellent temperament.
Kumbie is a great example of how most Alaskan Malamute breeders hype up and exaggerate the weight of their dogs. The breeder that we bought Kumbie
from said that he was 117-124 lbs. Well, his official VET SCALE
weight taken 5 days after he arrived was only 86 lbs.!! He has
since gained 9 lbs. and is 95.6 lbs. now. The breeder that we
bought 2 other AKC purebred Alaskan Malamute males from over the
years said that all of his dogs were 150-200 lbs. One of the
males that we bought from him was 101 lbs at exactly 3 years
old, and the other male was 89 lbs. at 15 months old. You have
to assume that most breeders hype up their dogs' weights and go
way high on the weights when they tell you or list their dogs'
weights. And even the breeders that say that their weights
listed are vet scale weights will add on many pounds before they
list what they call the vet scale weight. All of our dogs'
weights listed are true and accurate vet scale weights, with NO
added pounds.