AKC purebred young adult female Samoyed: AVAILABLE
litter was
born on 09/27/2023. This is an AKC purebred
litter. Fritz's
father is an International Champion show dog!!
Annika's paternal grandparents are also International Champion show
Please read our
policy page
before calling about a puppy. We do not accept personal checks
at all.
Click here
see what is given with each puppy. The price includes shots,
worming, and heartworm preventative as well as a three year
genetic guarantee and a general health guarantee.
There is one SPAYED available young adult
female: $950.
***Annika and
Fritz are OFA certified for hips, elbow,
and eyes, which means that there
is less of a chance of hip and elbow dysplasia and
inherited eye disease
in their puppies. Annika is also OFA cardiac certified, which
means that she does not have any heart issues.****
There is one spayed female available, and she is ready to go now!